Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here it goes...

Well I'm the last one to do this and let's be honest don't know how it will go. My sister had the great idea of using this as an opportunity to remember those little times for her little boy. I don't have any kids. So I guess I will use this as an opportunity to let you in on the humor of my life and job. Now you'll have to use your imagination because those that know me well know I love to tell stories and I add voices sometimes especially when talking about my students. I teach first grade and it's a difficult grade but in my opinion the most rewarding grade to teach. My students come to me mostly not reading and not writing. Well we took our midyear test and almost all of my kids went up. They are reading on grade level and love you for all you do for them. I have one little boy who is my most difficult student and makes me never want to reproduce, but at the same time his home life is so bad you can't help but love him at that same time. Well I'll let my creative thoughts begin and hopefully I'll write again.